

Message from the President

We have 2 departments within the company: the
Craft  Manufacturing  Department  and  the
Developmentand Marketing Department.

The Craft Manufacturing Department manufactures
spherical image display screens, etc.
for driving simulators of aircrafts, bullet trains,
automobiles, etc.

The Development and Marketing Department is engaged with the development of
our original products by focusing on environmental conservation. Recently, we have
gone beyond Japan and started the global expansion to challenge wide global markets.

About Us

Company Name   Tamagawa Craft Inc.
Address   593-4 Oshitate, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0811, Japan
Phone Number   (81) 42-370-7555
Fax   (81) 42-370-7575
E-mail   info@tamagawacraft.com
Official Web Site   http://tamagawacraft.com
Company Representative   Shingo Suitsu
Capital   Approved company for the Management Innovation Plan   of Tokyo
Bussiness Area   World-wide

クラフト造形部  |  スクリーン   |   開発造形    
防災事業部   |  ドケーチ   |   QQトイレ  |  ペールトイレ | キュービックサイン
